Clean, solar-powered Austin lawn mowing from Clean Air Lawn Care means our lawn mowers run on clean renewable energy from the sun. Electric mowers, run on solar-power, emit zero air pollution, and are quiet – you may not even know we’re mowing the lawn. Now, people in central Austin, Round Rock, Cedar Point, Pflugerville, and the surrounding areas can all experience quiet, solar-powered electric lawn maintenance for themselves.
We use electric mowers—powered by solar panels mounted on our trucks.
Meanwhile, in too many neighborhoods across the country, conventional gas mowers continue to run, throwing hydrocarbon tantrums and polluting our ears and atmosphere. It’s no secret that we aren’t the only ones concerned by this: the E.P.A. estimates 54 million such mowers are used weekly, guzzling 800 million gallons of gasoline and causing 5-10 percent of the nation’s air pollution every year.
Sustainable lawn care is not the same as conventional lawn care; it is dirty, loud and resource intensive. Small gas-powered engines found on conventional lawn equipment contribute 5-10% of the nation’s air pollution.
According to the EPA, in 1 hour, 1 gas lawn mower: pollutes the same as 40 late model cars, emits the same amount of hydrocarbons (precursors to ground-level ozone) as a SUV driven 23,600 miles, and contribute 93 times more smog-forming emissions that 2006 cars.